Saturday, 16 May 2015

Joanna McGinn March 24 · Las Vegas, NV, United States WHY you should NEVER adopt a PIT... esp a PIT from a 'shelter' or 'rescue' another shelter is going to be sued... or at least ought to..

WHY you should NEVER adopt a PIT... esp a PIT from a 'shelter' or 'rescue'
another shelter is going to be sued... or at least ought to..…/pit-bull-in-ne-phila-attack-accus…/567388/
A mother and her children were attacked by a pit bull they recently adopted in Northeast Philadelphia this week and according to another family, this isn't the...
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  • 5 people like this.
  • Sarah May Kind of like used car salesmen, huh? As Is.
  • Lisbeth Mønsted LarsenIts the same viscious cycle we see repeated over and over again these dogs are too dangerous to even consider adopting out to anyone they are unpredictabel they are geneticly engineered to attack anything and everything within their reach and if they are not prone to attack they are still habouring those inbred traits such as lack of biteinhibition heightend aggression and a featherlight trigger anything can set them of and their bodylanguage is more suttle than that of other dogs. I would much rather adopt a dog with clear bodylanguage a dog that is relativly easy to read and understand those can be found avoid all mixes with pitbull blood in them because those strong antisocial traits the pitbull is born with are easily passed down through the bloodlines of other breeds and sadly those genetic traits are more powerful than normal doggy traits so they will be the dominant traits of any pitbull mixes. Just have a look at the American staffies and the American bulldogs they are pitmixes and they certainly show some of the same dominant traits as the pitbulls displays soo readily.

Joanna McGinn March 21 · Las Vegas, NV, United States OHNO..... Marches belong to things of importance like SELMA!!! not for an effin' overbred violent dog like Pits.. Why do they set 'dates' for euthanization so far down the calendar as to give the nutters time to organize things like's so bloody offensive!

OHNO..... Marches belong to things of importance like SELMA!!! not for an effin' overbred violent dog like Pits..
Why do they set 'dates' for euthanization so far down the calendar as to give the nutters time to organize things like's so bloody offensive! The twit doesn't see the difference between 'accident' and 'on purpose'... the results are the same!.... and attack!
KILLEEN - A local community gathered Thursday afternoon in Killeen for a walk to help save the life of a 3-year-old pit bull set to be put down March 23.
The dog's owner says the incident that caused the dog to be on death row, is all a misunderstanding.
"Link has never shown any signs of aggression," owner Kristin Warren said. "I have three children and they range from 2 to 10-years-old. and he's never growled or showed his teeth at them. he's protective of his yard and his home because we were robbed...he's very alert but he would never harm anybody on purpose."
A local community gathered Thursday afternoon in Killeen for a walk to help save the life of a 3-year-old pit bull set to be put down March 23.
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Julie Edwards-Matanga San Francisco is a lovely town, but it smells like piss. Too much fog, and well.....people from San Francisco. I think Samuel Clemens once said that the coldest winter he ever endured was Summer in San Francisco. Here I am, happier living in the arm pit of California, San Bernardino. He he he!

The cameras, smartphones and smiles come out every time Jason Saola and his dogs stroll the brick sidewalks of Market Street. Saola and his dogs in shades, Orange Juice and Psycho, have been a daily fixture downtown for nearly three...
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  • 2 people like this.
  • Lisbeth Mønsted Larsen What an arsehat.
  • Joanna McGinn San Fran used to be a lovely city. We had clients up there and used to fly from Orange Co. up there. I even got my wedding dress in that down. But since th e80s it's gone to heck...and this is just one symptiom
  • Joanna McGinn and to think I'd take my students into downtowm to see ballets and concerts... and we went on public transportation as well...
  • Julie Edwards-Matanga San Francisco is a lovely town, but it smells like piss. Too much fog, and well.....people from San Francisco. I think Samuel Clemens once said that the coldest winter he ever endured was Summer in San Francisco. Here I am, happier living in the arm pit of California, San Bernardino. He he he!